Bulldogs in the Bluegrass

Why Louisville, Kentucky, you might ask? You’d be surprised. Wide-eyed interns arrive in May and leave 10 weeks later Citizens for Life.
Bulldogs in the Bluegrass brings Yalies together for life long friendships, connects students to the local Yale community and provides community networking with all the best that Louisville has to offer. But, don’t take our word for it. Check out what former Bulldogs have to say.

A Home Away From Home
Louisville lovefest at the Bulldogs in the Bluegrass closing ceremony
“An event meant to celebrate the Yale students who came to Louisville for 10 weeks to do paid internships in the community turned into a celebration of all things Louisville. The luncheon at Vincenzo’s, also attended by the employers and mentors of this summer’s 23 students participating in the Bulldogs in the Bluegrass program, was an opportunity to hear about the interns’ work and for the interns to explain what they got out of the program.”Donate Now
“I just have to say that I absolutely loved Bulldogs in the Bluegrass. The summer had an incredibly positive influence on me, and I’ve raved about it to anyone who has asked me about my summer.”